New opening times

We’re sorry we have to reduce the opening hours. Business is still slow because of Corona. But if you’re planning a shopping trip on a time and day we’re closed you can always call us in advance: 020-6381777. We will always try to accommodate you.


  • monday 13.00 – 18.00 hrs
  • tuesday 13.00 – 18.00 hrs
  • wednesday 13.00 – 18.00 hrs
  • thursday 13.00 – 18.00 hrs
  • friday 13.00 – 18.00 hrs
  • saturday 13.00 – 18.00 hrs

closed on sunday

Happy and Healthy Xmas!

The shop in Amsterdam is closed because of the lockdown, probably until januari 19. We wish you all the best! Thank you Pearl for posing. Facemasks by Desiree Webers, bodies by Tony Wear LA.


One of a kind facemasks, made by Desiree Webers in Amsterdam, 4 or 6 layers cotton, silk, machine washable, now 2 for 20 euro, available at Webers Holland in Amsterdam!

Update opening times

Opening times may vary due to COVID-19. To get the latest info call Webers Holland +31 (0)20 6381777

Limited shopping at Webers Holland because of the Corona/Covid-19 pandemic

The shop is open again after being closed since march 14th because of the pandemic. Yet shopping @ Webers Holland is temporarily limited to 2 clients at the same time. Opening times are the same: 13-19 hrs. You have to ring the bell though to get inside. If you have to wait a little you can look at the new collection face masks in the window. One of a kind face masks made bij Desiree Webers, 100% cotton / silk, machine washable, price: €14,95. You can call 020 6381777 13-19hrs for more info.

Face Masks against Corona/Covid-19

One of a kind face masks made bij Desiree Webers, 100% cotton / silk, machine washable, price: €14,95. Now in the Webers Holland shop in Amsterdam.

Best Wishes for 2020!

Thankx to model Valentina Savage and Gucci the fashion cat. PVC body by Desiree Webers. Boots by Pleaser. Love and kisses!